With the end of October hurdling faster and faster at us I have hunted down some additional great travel deals. I've searched quite a bit this week and the pickings on some of these seem so-so. So here we go world, with travel deals that just might work.
Let us start our tour in Boston Mass. Yahoo's esaver's program and specifically offered through ebookers is offering nightly rates at a great hotel. The Boston Park Plaza Hotel has rates of about $88 a night !!! No lie. You can check out the accompanying link provided at yahoo or if you like to find more information about the Boston Park Plaza Hotel Reservations with this link. Boston is particularly beautiful this time of year especially if you were to go to the outskirts and visit some great suburban and country spots. This deal is definitely worth looking into right now.
The other day I said to a friend, why haven't I made trip to Death Valley just yet? Interesting question I'm assuming for most of you. Well much to my chigrin a travel discount company is offering a great deal for visiting Death Valley. I kid you not. This one came directly off of the Yahoo Travel Deals section and you can find Death Valley vacation deals here. Trust me, when the weather starts to turn cold and the sun is going down much ealier this time of year, excusions like visiting Death Valley can do a lot for the soul. The deal offers great full packaged vacations. Travel, stay, food and recommendations.