Sunday, March 29, 2009

San Diego at a Discount - Travel to this Magnificent California Town

San Diego is well known as one of the most beautiful places in the world. First it is on the Pacific Ocean so visitors as well as travelers are within a stones throw to the beautiful blue passages of this oceanic waterway. Second, the area is sun drenched the entire year with only moderate changes in temperature. When the winter hits the temperatures get down maybe to the high 50's at night, but your days are almost always in the low 70's. Further, the summer months do not bring the balmy weather that many sun drenched areas experience. Last, the humidity is never an issue even though the weather is superb. 

So what else is there to really enjoy in San Diego. We've done some digging and found lots of lists but here are a few more defenses to getting to San Diego.

The San Diego Zoo is probably the most famous and greatest of the Zoo's in the United States. Workers at the facility are often found as guests on talk shows and other event. The area is about 30 minutes north of the Escondido area and takes up over 1500 acres. You'll find the lions tigers and bears but also rhinos, elephants and other great animals of interest. Take the San Diego Zoo Photo Canopy Covered truck tour for a great experience.

The beaches in and around the San Diego area are legendary. Like I said above, sun drenched doesn't do it any justice. If you're interested in a private experience of the San Diego Beach scene try the La Jolla beach area.  In 1931, a new concrete barrier in La Jolla created a wave-free area for kids. These days, Children's Pool is the exclusive domain of seals. Humans, while discouraged from swimming, can picnic in the adjacent park. 

Last the entire area of San Diego is full of great fishing charters and other great excursions to enjoy. Why not take in all that the San Diego area has to offer.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Visit Asia Today and Enjoy Japan

We've done very little in these blog posts to promote the travel and vacations to the Far East. Hong Kong, Japan, and a lot of the other great destinations in that area of the world offer some great possibilities.  Here we are today venturing to the Far East. So young gross hopper prepare for a little bit of information about a trip to Japan.

First and foremost here's a little bit of information we've found about Japan, namely Tokyo. This Tokyo Travel Guide is an excellent place to start and learn about what you may want to see if you do decide to take a trip to this wonderful Far East destination. If you'd like some information from the official Tokyo Travel Commission check out this site. 

After a little bit of investigation here are some great deals for travel packages to the city of Tokyo. The first one we've found is being offered by Pacific Delight Tours and has deals of up to $250 a night.  Yes I said it $250 a night and the various packages offer travel, accommodations and some food. So check it out. Another great deal is being offered S'poreans Travel Group is offering equally incredible deals that range from $99 to $350 a night with a full range of great add ons or premiums.

So getting to the Far East and enjoying a great destination like Tokyo isn't that crazy. Check out the sites and other information we have provided above and see how a trip there can fit into your schedule. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

SouthWest Airlines - Deals to Definitely Move About the Country

I've been sitting on my couch as of late trying to catch up on some much needed rest and television. Fortunately for me the NCAA Mens' Basketball Tournament and the National Invitiational Tournament are in full gear and I just so happen to love basketball. Needless to say I have seen many, many, many commercials. One such commerical has struck my fancy more than others mainly because I'm a stingy bastard when it comes to travel. It's the SouthWest Airlines special deal on flights.

As far as I could tell from the commericals it appears that the offer is this. Between now and April 4th SouthWest is offering rates on one way flights between $49 and $99. The flight has to be taken before April 14th. Ok there are restrictions as there should be. I mean it is a business and they are trying to induce demand with this kind of deal.The other thing is that the reservations need to be made 14 days in advance. Here's the link for the Wanna Get a Way Promotion and Sale.

Now I've looked into this deal a little more. It seems that the coverage of cities and flights is excellent, but of course here comes the information on the rates. Almost every flight, from going to Albuquerque or if you're going to West Palm Beach, the rates are almost exclusively $99. You know what though that's still an incredible rate.

So if you're really looking to Get Away, as the commercial goes, SouthWest Airlines can get you there on the cheap.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Free Deals on Vacations - It's a Reality Believe it or Not

The promise of a free vacation used to be such a predictable come-on from a shady timeshare salesman or a questionable travel club, that all but the most gullible travelers ignored it.

Free isn't just a legitimate goal for your next trip. It might be a realistic one, too.

The travel industry knows it. The major American destinations didn't wait for the National Bureau of Economic Research to declare the U.S. economy in a recession before releasing their lists of free things to do around town. Did you know, for example, that the Port of Houston Authority offers a free 90-minute cruise along the Houston Ship Channel? Or that The Indianapolis Museum of Art, one of the top art museums in the country, always offers free admission?

Can travel companies do better? They're trying. It all depends what your definition of "free" is. There's an abundance of two-for-one offers, but they require that you spend money. 

So where are the best places to go and find these deals., companion site offers very interesting deals day in and day out. They also offer a great blog for information about these deals too so it's worth checking out. Another Great Site we saw offers information on free traveling so check this out. 

The time to tighten the buckle on expenses is here and now check out all there is to be had. 

Friday, March 13, 2009

Hawaii Vacation for $391 - Visit the Island of Oahu on the Cheap

The lagging economy has more bad points than good, but those that are good are worth mentioning. Hawaii, or better stated, the Hawaiian Islands is a mega destination. When the average joe is asked to envision their perfect vacation getaway, more times than not, Hawaii is mentioned. The beaches, the blue waters, the dewey air the laid back spirit. Hawaii is paradise. That being said Hawaii has been hard hit by the bad economy. Recent survey polls for the industry reported that Hotel occupancy for January was at only 66%. The result, property owners scrambling to maintain some semblance of business in the face of very hard times.  

To that end we here at the Discount Traveler have been keeping our eye out for deals to Hawaii and we think the following is a home run. We don't formally acknowledge one vacation or tour operator over another, but when we find specific deals and do our homework, we have no problem promoting a good deal to you our users. 

Tour operator Pleasant Holidays is offering a Hawaii Vacation Package for $391 that includes round trip flight from LAX via United Airlines and a three night/four day stay at the Ohana Waikiki Beachcomber Resort located on the island of Oahu. 

Of course with a deal this sweet a few things in the fine print are important to note.  First, the rate is based on double occupancy, so you need to get a travel buddy. Second, the offer is only valid for select dates and stays during the time period of April 6th 2009 to June 1st 2009. 

Don't let the absurd low rate fool you either. The Ohana Waikiki Beachcomber Resort is a quality property and positioned in an excellent location. You'll be steps away from the beach or if you want a day away from the sun and sand enjoy local attractions such as the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center. Or take plan c and just sit back and enjoy the property itself as it includes a private swimming pool and sundeck. 

Don't hesitate if you are interested because there is no doubt that availability will dry up fast on this deal. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

St Patty's Day Celebrations Around the US

Ok, I need to keep some of this information quick and to the point so I don't lose you. I've been receiving a lot of emails from people that want to know about deals on vacation packages for various cities for the up and coming St Patrick's Day Celebrations. Well here they are from the best we have gathered.

Boston - One of the best places to see and participate in a St. Patty's Day Parade is Boston Mass. The Holiday Boston Woburn is offering special rates just today and tomorrow for hotel rooms at about $120 per night though the weekend. The hotel is located near the parade route.

Chicago- Another great city with an incredible St. Patrick's Day Parade celebration is the Windy City. They dying of the river, the big parade and incredible rates in several Chicago Hotels. Check these rates today.

Atlantic City - This is another great parade that takes the celebration of the patron Saint to a great level. Several deals are still available at the Borgata and Trump Marina. Enjoy the parade on the Boardwalk and hey while you're in town why not take in the Atlantic 10 Men's Basketball College Championship at Boardwalk Hall.

There are many places beyond these three cities to enjoy St. Patrick's Day so check out what is available.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

San Diego - A Great Place to Visit without Breaking the Bank

San Diego is one of the most beautiful areas in the world. First it's sun drenched almost 12 months of the year. The air is almost never too hot like it is in cities in Florida or Nevada or Texas and it lays on the crystal blue waters of the never ending Pacific Ocean. Second, it has the ease and quality of being in the United States. Yep I said it and I stand by it. In a time where Americans are getting warnings about not traveling to certain countries because of things like violence, kidnapping, theft, etc are being perpurtrated against, maybe just staying within the borders and enjoying "our" world makes sense. 

So what else is so good about San Diego, and more importantly, are there trips to this place of wonder that won't break the proverbial bank? Well first there's the famous SeaWorld San Diego. As far as theme parks go this place is quality and won't break the bank. Check out their official web site to see the family discount packages they offer. They also offer individual vacation packages that are just awesome. How about the famed San Diego Zoo? Come on now another home run, because this is one of the places where the staff make regular appearances on Talk shows and the Animal Planet. 

Say, let's not forget what we mentioned in the beginning though. San Diego is a natural place of beauty. Whether it be a leisurely walk on the beaches, or a ferry ride to beautiful Coronado, or going out on a chartered fishing line to see the beauty of the pacific or do some angling this is a place you should not miss.

For more information check out this featured San Diego Travel Guide. It has all kinds of great information about local San Diego attractions, landmarks, dining and restaurants and nightlife. Check it out. 

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Three Great Hotels in Miami - With Great Savings and Discounts

For most of the Northeast and into the Midwest, which means Chicago for some reason, the past week has just been awful in terms of the winter crush. Snow, whipping winds with cold that could zap the tail off of a horse and cloudy skies set in for several days and sapped the souls of even the strongest and most happy people. Today was a little different, but seeing that during this time of the year its a wild card as to how the weather is going to be we took some time to look at deals on hotels in the great American Riviera...Miami Florida. 

We reviewed several Miami hotels and here are a few of the great deals we found. Oh did I mention these are for top quality hotels too? If I didn't, yeah, there for top quality hotels. All right enough of the tongue and cheek humor. 

Our first is the Colonnade Hotel Miami. This is a Four Star property located at 180 Aragon Avenue in Miami. The Colonnade Hotel allows pets so if you're interested in bringing your little friend on vacation they will accommodate. Also, the property has on onsite restaurant and bar. Rates for the upcoming wee are about $279 a night. 

Second on our list is the Fairmont Turnberry Isle Hotel Miami. Top of the line is all we can say about this hotel. Again, this hotel is pet friendly, offers an exquisite pool, well appointed rooms and is right in the center of all the action of Miami. Average rates for a night stay are approximately $240 to $360 a night. 

Our last suggestion for Miami hotels is the Palms Hotel and Resort Miami. The hotel is located at 3025 Collins Avenue in Miami Beach. The best thing this hotel has to offer is it's upscale Spa.  Rates vary from $250 to $400 a night. 

As you see there are many options available for a great vacation in Miami. Check the featured hotels we offered or use the link above for the total listing of Miami hotels to see all the other options.  

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Enjoy Life Today - Take a Trip or Vacation

I'm far from a person who likes to dwell on the bad and the negative things the world, and life for that matter, have to offer. The fact of the matter is, no matter how you slice it, that life, with all the ups and downs that come with it, ultimately comes to an end that is far from story book. You know what that's ok, because in the grand scheme of things, at least in this writers opinion, while we're here making the most of it, life that is, should be the only mission any of us have. So in my opinion, during these hard times, there may be no better time to take stock and enjoy what we have and share it with those we have while we can.

I had the unfortunate task of attending a funeral for a close friend's father within the last few days. No doubt this isn't the first such event like this I've attended in my life, but each and every time the reality of life and our short tenure in this world becomes that much more clear in my head.

So sure this blog is about travel and to that degree, discount or budget travel, but I think overall it provides a genuine forum for such a discussion. Don't let life pass you by. Take time to enjoy small things in life and the people you have in your life today. Life is not forever and for that matter, our connections with those we know are far from perpetual. Family, friends, whoever, come in and out of our lives and have significant effects on us.

So this post today is actually about hope and reflection. The world will always go through ebbs and flows and life will go on well past the days we spend here. Take a second to really understand that.

Take that vacation or trip today. Don't wait. See a long lost family member of friend. Plan it today. Life keeps coming at you. There are no time outs in life so don't waste time fretting about things that are bad. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Travel to the District of Columbia on the Cheap

History is happening right now !!! There is know waiting. Today's generations that live and breath are privy to one of the most dynamic climates the world or this country has ever seen. The first ever african american President was elected and now is serving as the Chief Executive to the greatest country to ever grace this earth. The economic crisis that has gripped the globe is unprecedented in its effect and force. The world is waiting for the center point of all that society stands upon, Washington DC, the District of Columbia to stand for something.

Well why not take a trip to see it all happen for real and live? Sure a humorous break from the serious tone of the paragraph above, but a trip to the nations capital and the surrounding area of the District of Columbia really is something to behold. With that being said please first take a look at this District of Columbia Travel Guide. This is a newly updated guide to the area including reviews about local attractions, dining and restaurants and other landmarks. It truly is a fantastic source of information if you are traveling down to the Washington DC area.