I'm far from a person who likes to dwell on the bad and the negative things the world, and life for that matter, have to offer. The fact of the matter is, no matter how you slice it, that life, with all the ups and downs that come with it, ultimately comes to an end that is far from story book. You know what that's ok, because in the grand scheme of things, at least in this writers opinion, while we're here making the most of it, life that is, should be the only mission any of us have. So in my opinion, during these hard times, there may be no better time to take stock and enjoy what we have and share it with those we have while we can.
I had the unfortunate task of attending a funeral for a close friend's father within the last few days. No doubt this isn't the first such event like this I've attended in my life, but each and every time the reality of life and our short tenure in this world becomes that much more clear in my head.
So sure this blog is about travel and to that degree, discount or budget travel, but I think overall it provides a genuine forum for such a discussion. Don't let life pass you by. Take time to enjoy small things in life and the people you have in your life today. Life is not forever and for that matter, our connections with those we know are far from perpetual. Family, friends, whoever, come in and out of our lives and have significant effects on us.
So this post today is actually about hope and reflection. The world will always go through ebbs and flows and life will go on well past the days we spend here. Take a second to really understand that.
Take that vacation or trip today. Don't wait. See a long lost family member of friend. Plan it today. Life keeps coming at you. There are no time outs in life so don't waste time fretting about things that are bad.