Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Finding Great Travel Deals for After Thanksgiving Holiday..

There is no doubt that the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend is the busiest travel days of the entire year. We are all currently in the thick of it right now as we are on Thanksgiving Eve as I write.

Well for many there is an old saying, we sometimes need a vacation from our holiday or vacation. In keeping with that theme I thought I'd stay ahead of the curve and offer some nuggets or deals from other sites for various locations and destinations...So here they are. For the purposes of my discussion I have looked up airfares for next weekend December 5th to December 7th. This gives people a chance to get back from the Thanksgiving holiday, get a week of work in and have something to look to for the next weekend. So here they are.

From  Philadelphia to Miami Expedia offers several options. Non-Stop, One Stop and Two or more stops. In the Non-Stop column United and American Airlines have rates of $420 and $360 respectively. For One Stop flights United, American, US Airways, Airtran and Delta offer rates of $342, $435, $371, $399 and $437 respectively. Finally for the Two or more stops, United, American Airlines and Delta offer airline rates of $401, $433 and $412 respectively. As you can see, there is no clear airline that consistently has the lowest offer.

The biggest thing that this little exercise I just did is to do a search using a pretty interesting tool web site called Booking Buddy. The site allows you to put in dates and airlines from and to which you are traveling and then use a variety of web sites right on the site such as Expedia, FareCast and Orbitz, just to name a few to see how all the rates compare. The process is a little laborious because if it really were efficient the rates to all the other services would automatically show up. You have to click on the logo for each site and then review their rates.

The other thing is, many of the sites I mentioned, such as Expedia and Orbitz actually have the comparison model in the sites themselves. I still think there is something very novel in the Booking Buddy site and it's worth a look.

Please enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday and the up and coming Holiday Season..

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