Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Casinos Offer Discount Vacation Packages

This must be the place to discuss these issues, because since I've focused the majority of my posts on really finding deals for travel I've had many, many, many, emails. Of the many, people want to get back to the glitz and fun of the casinos, so as I'm obliged to listen to my public, here's one that I've found.

Let's take Las Vegas for instance. Vegas is about 10% down from 2008 during the same time of the year. We also have to remember that times were getting tight last year this time also, so any more drop and things are starting to look catastrophic. What are the issues that caused this. The main driving force behind casino vacation packages has been to get the people there to gamble, but the bulk of the price came in the form of the exclusive rooms. Now with the economy so frail, or actually better yet, starting over a year ago with a soft market, the price of these packages taking into account the full retail of the rooms, you have many people and potential gamblers being priced out of the market. 

So go to the web sites of these great Casinos in Las Vegas and check out the great specials below. You may never be able to get deals like these on rooms any time soon.

At the MGM Grand there are rates for rooms at $75.

If you look at the Mandalay Bay room rates are posted for $89.

How about getting real ridiculous? Circus Circus of Las Vegas is offering rooms at rates of $25 !!!

As you can see discounts and rates for a visit to Las Vegas. Check out rates for these casinos in the coming weeks, because as I stated it appears that rates will continue to drop, but who knows for how long. 

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