Monday, February 2, 2009

Hotel Savings at 50% Discounts.

It seems like everyone these days is reacting to the world wide storm that has fallen upon the economy. The big boys of internet travel are doing the same. 

With hundreds of thousands of employees being laid off or having to deal with major cutbacks that include furloughs or work stoppage money is very tight. How these businesses react NOW will effect the how we all weather through the storm. Not doing so will have a domino effect that can be catastrophic.

So with all the doom and gloom out of the way let's get to the good news. There are some tremendous deals out there being offered by great companies.

Let's begin with Travelocity's Silver Lining Sale. If you go to their site the promotion offers several featured destinations with hotel rate discounted up to 50%. The deal is only temporary and the promotion actually ends February 16th. The other issue with this promotion is that if you go to the site or other marketing posts about this deal they make a statement that many of the deals may no longer be available. I've come across several people that have found this to be frustrating but a deals a deal and it it definitely worth looking at the deals this company has.

Not to be left behind Priceline, heralded by famous actor, singer and poet James Shaffner, is upping the ante by pushing it's own 50% savings program. The only issue is Priceline has been pushing the fact that they offer 50% savings with their unique pricing program anyway. That being said, as with Travelocity several deals of quality area available.

Another smaller site Reserve Vacations, which recently launched in the fall of 2008, has been offering some unique rates for accommodations that also come with add ons known as premiums. Premiums are the extras provided with a vacation package which may include such things as free tickets to area shows, rounds of golf or restaurants. Now the rates for these packages are ridiculously low. There is a little caveat to these packages also. The low discounts are provided in an effort to get travelers to the properties to hear sales presentations for timeshare opportunities. 

Keep your eye out because there are many deals out there and many more companies are finding new and inventive ways to maintain a share in the current declining market. 

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