Monday, February 16, 2009

Philadelphia Budget Travel

Philadelphia Pennsylvania is the embodiment of history and metropolitan pinache as there could be in any one city. Yeah, sure New York City and Boston have there hats thrown in on this argument, but I'm a Phillies, 76er's and Eagels fan and I'm writing this post. 

Now one great argument for talking about Philadelphia as a great budget travel destination to visit is the fact that unlike NYC and Boston, Philly offers a lot of great free tours. Yep I said it, free tours. Then there's the relatively cheap travel. The transportation system of Philadelphia is called SEPTA and a lot of the traveling is per ride is actually about $2. Again, yes I said it, $2 per ride. You won't find deals like that in other major cities. If we had to offer the best way to do a tour of the city we've found out about a touring bus called Phlash. Again, you pay about $2 per ride, but you also can tour for the entire day for $5. 

Then there's the number of great historic spots that either offer the free tours or something like $10 to $15 a tour. We're talking about Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell and other great places to name a few.

Ok, let's not forget about the great Philadelphia Hotels that are available. If you look for hotel vacancies in other major cities across the United States you'll see rates like $250 to $350 a night. In Philadelphia you'll see some great quality hotels for like $95.00 to $149.00 a night and that's including weekends. 

So don't pass up on the opportunity for a great trip and a a chance to take on a little history during a vacation to the city of Philadelphia.

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